Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Me, Myself, and I

Hello bloggers, allow me to introduce myself. I was born on February 19, 1473 in Torun, Poland. When I was young I was born into a family of merchants. I was the youngest of the four there was Andreas, Barbara, Katharina, and me. I was well off so it was not entirely all bad, though sadly my father died when I was quite young. I am able to speak Latin, Polish, and German equally fluent, but I also know how to speak a little Greek and Italian. Even though I was young I was brought up by my uncle who I owe for my education, career, and security.

I had attended at the University of Cracow from 1491 to 1494 though had no classes in astronomy. I know you all are probably asking yourselves then how did I become one of the world's most famous astronomer. Well its simple really, it wasn't until I began school before I had became fascinated with astronomy. So I began to collect books on astronomy and mathematics.

Later I returned back to Torun in 1494. In 1496, my uncle helped me become a canon or priest in Frauenburg. I went to Bologna almost straight after to study canon law, where I became enticed to the works of Domenico Maria de Novara, an astronomer.I remained in Italy where I attended the Jubilee. There I spent my time to record planetary positions.

I was sent to Padua to study medicine, but I soon transferred to the University of Ferrara, where I was able to receive my degree in canon law in 1503. Only then did begin to study medicine in Padua which extended my leave until 1506. After returning I remained at my uncle's castle and served as his own personal doctor and secretary.

During my spare time I enjoy to study astronomy and mathematics. Since I can speak 6 languages I also enjoy translating documents. As a canon I was occupied with in various affairs, including legal and medical, but especially administrative and financial matters.

Over a period of time I had become a governor, military leader, diplomat, and economists.  Though they were my major jobs I was not recognized for it. I was recognized as a astronomer because of my heliocentric theory, which is the theory that the sun was the center and was stationary in the center of this universe.I was restricted to continue my research only during the spare time I had.

 At first I was thought to be insane challenging the Ptolemaic system then I discovered I was right. After that many people respected me acknowledging me for my brilliant discovery. I had changed the work of astronomy. Though I was criticized by others who strongly disliked my work.They stated I was a fool and messed up astronomy for good.

Eventually I was put in jail for my heliocentric theory, when many people still believed in the geocentric theory. The king gave me the death sentence. Though I was honored the doctors placed my first edition book beside me, where I woke up a few days later and died peacefully.

1 comment:

  1. Nicolaus Copernicus
    Your idea of the heliocentric universe (sun centered universe) was a great idea. Surprisingly, the shape inspired me to create the dome roof. We are alike in the way that we create original ideas and pursue them. Great work.

    Balthazar Neumann
